Jenny, if you're reading this, please write us a nice postcard.
Nashville Omnichord Supply Co. is a local business in middle Tennessee, owned by Ross Collier. Ross is qualified to sell Omnichords since he is the best Omnichordist in the whole wide world, except for a few other people. We kindly ask that you do not joke around on this webpage or in correspondence with any NOSC representatives, since it is such a serious business.
We are not the only strumplate-slinging cowboys in this Wild West. There are a wealth of Omnichord resources online, around the world, for those seeking to further their knowledge & pursuit of Omnichord Nirvana. Below are some links that we think are just thrilling.
Keith Murray (KRM Audio) with a fascinating look into the innards of Omnichord synthesis.
Omnichord Heaven is an undeniably up-to-date and active fountain of Omnichord knowledge. A phenomenal resource for Omnichordists on the other side of the pond and, quite possibly, the most prolific omnichord repairperson in “the biz”.
I recently e-met Rob from what may be the first Omnichord blog ever made. A reasonably up-to-date and lovingly maintained blog with general info, from a fellow with the fiery sort of passion for the Omnichord that must be genetic.
A fascinating look into Omnichord components & repair attempt.
A nice general write-up of the Omnichord's role in modern music from an article a couple of years ago in Australian Musician. Might we note that you disregard the author's completely incorrect assertion in the opening paragraphs that the OM-27 plays diminished and augmented chords, and that it has 12 chord options. That is patently false & misleading.
Pop's Music in Arizona is a thriving heartbeat for Q-chord enthusiasts anywhere. If you are looking to expand to the Q-chord realm, then Pops seems to us to be a good egg.